367 articole din categoria


The admissions criteria of international universities

If you have decided to apply for studies abroad or if you are still considering it, you have surely asked yourself about the criteria under....
Publicat pe 13 februarie 2020

Interesting facts about studying in the UK

Without any doubt, UK is the most popular destination when it comes to studying abroad. This country offers young people the opportunity to study a....
Publicat pe 7 ianuarie 2020

University of Padova

Italy attracts millions of tourists from all over the world with its magnificent cuisine and culture. From the northern Dolomites, to the southern Mediterranean Sea,....
Publicat pe 29 noiembrie 2019

How to prepare your application to study at international universities

Annually, over 6,000 international students choose to continue their studies at abroad universities, which offer complex educational programmes, scholarships and opportunities for a successful integration....
Publicat pe 6 noiembrie 2019

Start Your Studies Abroad during the January Intake

The number of students that choose to apply at international universities abroad is growing yearly. This is one of the reasons why universities from countries....
Publicat pe 5 noiembrie 2019

Apply to undergraduate studies in the UK

Do you want to study abroad at a top university in the UK with top-ranked study programs, in a multicultural environment? You can significantly increase....
Publicat pe 31 octombrie 2019

How to maximize your chances of being accepted at an international university

If you have decided to apply for studies abroad, you have certainly asked yourself what are the steps that you need to follow and how....
Publicat pe 18 octombrie 2019

Spot Admissions 2019

Spot Admissions has just ended, and we must say that all of us are really happy with the results. We want to congratulate the young....
Publicat pe 6 august 2019

January 15th: the UCAS deadline to apply to Bachelor studies in Great Britain

Do you want to study abroad at a top university that offers a great variety of study programs, in a multicultural environment and have chosen....
Publicat pe 7 ianuarie 2019

Top 10 myths about studying abroad

For any ambitious youngster, the process of choosing a university is a very important step. For those who will be studying abroad, information is essential.....
Publicat pe 3 august 2018
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