Traditional Holidays @ Salford

Easter is a big thing in Romania. Much bigger than chocolate eggs for kids (as most Englishmen describe the holiday ^.^) So since I didn’t go back to my country for the Christmas holiday I decided to go for the Easter one.

Here’s a preview:


But that’s pretty normal, having all the traditional stuff going on at home right ?

The purpose of this post though is to tell you that you can celebrate most of your holidays (including all the traditional stuff) right on campus if you can’t afford or don’t want to go back home!

There are 3 other Romanian people in my house and they managed to have a great Easter as well. Their parents sent them care packages with traditional food, paint (to colour the eggs). All of them went to church as well (even though they went to a church that’s different to their religion, but they chose to do that!)

Here is their proof:





I know people from all over the world that celebrated their holidays here. The best part about this is that you can celebrate with your friends from other countries that may have never had the chance to experience such things.

As always, feel free to comment below Smile


If you want to find out more about what it's like at Salford, why not watch some of our student videos on YouTube at this link:

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