Time Flies @ Salford University

Here we are, 2 weeks away from the Easter Holiday which more or less means 2 weeks away from the end of the first year Sad smile I say that because there are 3 weeks of Holiday, then there are the exam weeks after that, then the semester officially ends.

It’s as if yesterday I was greeted at the airport by one of the Student Life people, crammed into a bus with so many different, fascinating people. It’s as if yesterday I got lost for 3 hours on the road from the Maxwell Building to Castle Irwell (a road I need to walk daily now).

I know I may come across as overly nostalgic, but the student lifestyle seems to fit me the best, and I am enjoying every bit of it.

Looking back at the first third of my Undergraduate life it seems that I’ve missed out on so much, even if I achieved so many things: a job, good grades, various projects with the International Office here at Salford Uni, Student Representative (applying for the Student Liaison position), Salford Student Life Award (a thing I’d like to go into more detail in another post), beginner in Japanese, Mountaineering Club, new and amazing friends and last but not least: amazing and unforgettable moments with the said friends Open-mouthed smile

I did not join the SIFE society though. I only went to the gym in the first semester. I didn’t learn how to swim yet (shame, I know ^^). Didn’t go out as much as I wanted (be it cause I hate indie music or I didn’t have enough cash). I missed an Epica concert e.t.c.

The point I am trying to get across is that the student life can be so much more different than what you might be used to and, unfortunately for most, it’s also unbelievably short. You basically have only 3 years (4 if you do a postgrad course after) of this extremely dynamic and fun-filled lifestyle and it is up to you to make the most out of them.

What is important to keep in mind though is that you go to University to kick-start your career. It’s very easy to get tangled in this pleasure that is University Life, forget about the main reason you are here, then regret seeing so much money going down the drain.

As sad as I feel about finishing my first year, I know that there’s another 2 in front of me and I get the rare chance to do stuff that I regret not doing in the first year Smile

The single-most important piece of advice I always give to prospective students is this: “Get involved!”. You have the opportunity to do so much, in so little time.

If you want to find out more about what it's like at Salford, why not watch some of our student videos on YouTube at this link: http://www.youtube.com/user/InternationalSalford.

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Vrei să studiezi în străinătate, dar nu știi de unde să începi? Descoperă pachetele de consiliere educațională personalizată EDMUNDO! Alege cea mai potrivită opțiune pentru tine și începe acum călătoria ta de student internațional.

Primul pas ca să devii student internațional

Dacă ești încă confuz cu privire la viitorul tău, te ajutăm să găsești direcția înspre care vrei să te îndrepți. Programează o primă discuție cu un consilier și află care sunt cele mai bune opțiuni de studiu pentru tine, care să te ducă spre o carieră de succes.

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