367 articole din categoria
Study domains
Study Business at an international university
Since money is the most powerful tool worldwide, Business studies are in high demand all over the world. In the UK, for example, Business is....
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29 aprilie 2020
Most popular subjects for university studies. Trends in the educational offer
EDMUNDO’s international partner universities are continuously preoccupied about correlating their educational offers with the current requirements of the labour market. The educational market and the....
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5 martie 2020
Most popular subjects for university studies. Trends in the educational offer
EDMUNDO’s international partner universities are continuously preoccupied about correlating their educational offers with the current requirements of the labour market. The educational market and the....
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3 martie 2020
All you need to know if you want to study in Denmark
A future in Denmark sounds enticing, but you don’t know what the necessary steps are? EDMUNDO is here to offer you free counselling in the....
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27 februarie 2020
Study in Italy
Italy is a wonderful country, which attracts millions of tourists every year, enchanting them with its tourist attractions and cuisine. From the snow-capped Dolomites in....
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14 ianuarie 2020
Study in the Netherlands
This article will help you understand the steps you need to take in order to apply at a university in the Netherlands. In addition, you....
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11 ianuarie 2020
Interesting facts about studying in the UK
Without any doubt, UK is the most popular destination when it comes to studying abroad. This country offers young people the opportunity to study a....
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7 ianuarie 2020
University of Padova
Italy attracts millions of tourists from all over the world with its magnificent cuisine and culture. From the northern Dolomites, to the southern Mediterranean Sea,....
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29 noiembrie 2019
Study Psychology at an international university
Have you always been fascinated about how the human mind works, how people around you feel or why they behave the way they do Or....
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19 noiembrie 2019
Start Your Studies Abroad during the January Intake
The number of students that choose to apply at international universities abroad is growing yearly. This is one of the reasons why universities from countries....
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5 noiembrie 2019
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