369 articole din categoria
Studii in Marea Britanie
Romanian Society @ University of Portsmouth
Romanian Society – Almost there... [Articol din partea Alexandru Stefanescu - Vice Presedinte Romanian Society] Ne pare ca ieri aveam prima intalnire a unei societati....
Publicat pe
23 martie 2011
Business with Economics @ Salford
Before we begin, here's a video I'd like you to see that details the road from Castle Irwell to the Maxwell building: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=esKlsmAii6A Please click....
Publicat pe
16 martie 2011
Security @ Salford
You may have heard stories about Salford (or Manchester) being a dangerous area, but that is exactly what they are, stories. I mean, it’s the....
Publicat pe
13 martie 2011
A walk to Aberdeen Uni..
Trezindu-ma intr-o dimineata de duminica extraordinara (o sa vedeti de ce in video), am decis sa iau camera video si sa filmez probabil cel mai....
Publicat pe
9 martie 2011
Finance @ Salford for International Students
Daca ati citit posturile anterioare, stiti deja ca scriu si pentru blogul universitatii. Avand in vedere ca scriu despre exact acelais lucru si acolo, m-am....
Publicat pe
5 martie 2011
Bon Appétit @ Salford University
A big part of my coming to Salford University (and probably yours too) was to experience the amazing cultural diversity that is England. Where else....
Publicat pe
3 martie 2011
Essay Writing – Salford Style
Another week, another post ! And this time it’s another big subject: Assignments ! Well, more specifically essay-type assignments. It’s kind of a good timing....
Publicat pe
23 februarie 2011
Accommodation @ Salford University
Since this is a blog aimed at prospective international students, accommodation is a fairly important subject and I am here to tell you everything about....
Publicat pe
16 februarie 2011
Romanian Society - University of Portsmouth
Mereu am crezut ca tehnologia reuseste sa faca viata oamenilor mai usoara. Le inlesneste treburile, ajutand la progresul societatii, in general. Mi-am schimbat mentalitatea dupa....
Publicat pe
13 februarie 2011
Accommodation stuff
Asta e a doua incercare de a scrie postul asta (pe primul l-am sters din greseala) iar de data asta sper sa nu mai fie....
Publicat pe
4 februarie 2011