Security @ Salford

You may have heard stories about Salford (or Manchester) being a dangerous area, but that is exactly what they are, stories. I mean, it’s the same thing in any metropolitan area, if you know how to stay safe you should have no problem at all. This is what this post is going to cover: How to stay safe in Salford Smile

Be aware about your personal security by following these basic rules:

  • Avoid isolated places, especially at night.
  • Stick to well-lit routes where there are people in sight.
  • Try not to be out alone after dark.
  • If you are going out late, try to tell someone where you’re going and what time you expect to be back.
  • When using cash machines, look behind you - watch out for people watching you.
  • Try not to use cash machines late at night.
  • Avoid carrying large amounts of cash around with you.
  • Mobile phones, laptop computers, digital music players are attractive to thieves. Be careful about where you take them and how you use them.
  • Never get into a taxi on the street unless it is a black cab. Only use a private-hire cab that you have booked by phone.
  • Don’t accept lifts from strangers.
  • Trust your gut feelings and avoid persons and situations that make you feel uncomfortable.

Basic stuff right ? Open-mouthed smile

Around the campus try and follow these guidelines:

  • Protect your belongings by locking your office/room door every time you leave
  • Don’t leave purses, book bags, laptops and other valuables unattended.
  • Keep valuables out of sight in your car.
  • Don’t allow ‘tailgaters’ to enter secured doors behind you.
  • Jog or bike during daylight only in areas you are familiar with and stay within the University Circle if you live on campus.
  • Use the free campus bus service to travel safely around University.

On campus:

  • The University Security team are here to help and assist its students 24 hours a day, seven days a week. In an emergency you can contact them at any time on (0161) 295 3333. 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Call this number to report any problems, harassment, crime or incidents.
  • For non-emergencies (e.g. suspicious incidents) you can also call security on(0161) 295 4773/4107.
  • Many parts of the academic campus are served by CCTV cameras, which are monitored 24 hours a day from a central control room in Maxwell Building. Staff and students also watch over the campus and each other as part of the Campuswatch scheme.
  • A campus policeman, PC Tony Beckett, can give advice on safety and security. He is available on 0161 856 5007.
  • The local police station is Pendleton Police Station and is located at Salford Shopping City, Hankinson Way. It is open 24hrs a day, 7 days a week. Telephone: 0161 872 5050.
    If you do not feel comfortable talking to the Police or Campus Security, go to :
    Student Life, University House (0161 295 0023) or
    the Students’ Union Advice Centre, University House (0161 736 7811).

Finally, in your room:

  • Your house or flat will probably have a shared entrance door. Always lock the door after you. Do not allow anyone in until you are sure who they are
  • Do not leave ID cards, cash cards, money, cheque books or keys lying around - do not put temptation in the way of your housemates or visitors
  • Never leave your room unlocked when you leave it - even if it is only for a short period of time. Make sure all windows are closed and locked, even upper floor windows
  • Insure your personal belongings

If you lose something:

  • Lost property is logged at the reception areas at Allerton and Maxwell Buildings.
  • It is then sent to Adelphi as the main holding centre. It will be stored for three months only.
  • For lost and found enquiries, ring 0161 295 6104,or call the local police station on 0161 872 5050.
  • Mark all your property with your name and/or your home postcode.
  • The local police offer a free property marking service.
  • Ultra violet pens, for marking property, can be borrowed from the Students’ Union Advice Centre in University House, or Student Life in University House.

Hopefully this will help you avoid any problems during your stay at Salford ^^
As always, if you have any thoughts or ideas on this post, please comment below Smile
If you want to find out more about what it's like at Salford, why not watch some of our student videos on YouTube at this link:

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