367 articole din categoria

Language tests

Online activities for pupils and students

The current global situation urge both international universities and their current or future students to adapt to new conditions and learning environments. The participation of....
Publicat pe 23 martie 2020

The admissions criteria of international universities

If you have decided to apply for studies abroad or if you are still considering it, you have surely asked yourself about the criteria under....
Publicat pe 13 februarie 2020

Interesting facts about studying in the UK

Without any doubt, UK is the most popular destination when it comes to studying abroad. This country offers young people the opportunity to study a....
Publicat pe 7 ianuarie 2020

How to prepare your application to study at international universities

Annually, over 6,000 international students choose to continue their studies at abroad universities, which offer complex educational programmes, scholarships and opportunities for a successful integration....
Publicat pe 6 noiembrie 2019

Everything about English Tests - CAE, IELTS, TOEFL and their alternatives

Whether you're considering applying to a university abroad or you want to increase your chances of being admitted to an international study programme, in this....
Publicat pe 26 august 2019
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